Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How to Paint Your Kitchen Cabinets

Replacing kitchen cabinets is a great way to improve the look of your kitchen; although not always practical. A great way to give your kitchen an inexpensive "face lift" is to paint your existing cabinets. It is fairly easy to do if you have some painting experience and patience! Just grab your materials, find a good work area (a place to lay the cabinets flat at waist level is best) and get started!


Medium grit sandpaper (a palm sander makes it go faster, or you can use a sanding block)
Paper towels
Paint tray
Small foam paint rollers
Semi-gloss paint
Small foam brushes
Tools to remove hardware such as a screwdriver


1. Remove cabinet doors

2. Remove hinges and knobs
* TIP - using scotch tape, tape the screws to the hinges or put in a zip lock bag

3. Remove contents of cabinets
* I recommend starting with the upper cabinets first

4. With a sanding block or palm sander and medium grit sandpaper, "rough up" the surface of cabinets and the cabinet doors.
*Make sure to really do this well, or the primer will not stick.

5. Using clean, damp paper towels, wipe down the surfaces to remove the dust and allow to dry completely.

6. Using a small, white foam roller, apply a coat of primer to the surfaces. These give you the smoothest finish without having to spray on your paint. Use a foam brush in recessed areas.
*I have used Zinser 1-2-3 in the past for smooth surfaces and it has worked great.

7. Allow to dry COMPLETELY according to the directions on the container
**I can't stress enough to let it dry completely in between coats for proper adhesion**

8. Apply a second coat, allowing to dry according to the directions, usually overnight.

9. Check for drips or uneven areas on your surfaces. Buff with sandpaper and re-prime if needed.
*Next I usually do a "scratch" test. Using a  fingernail, lightly scratch a small area of a cabinet. If the primer easily peels, Go back to step FOUR.... seriously.

10. Apply a light coat of semi-gloss paint - allow to dry overnight.

11. Apply a second coat of paint - allow to dry completely. Maybe a third coat? Probably.

12. Reinstall cabinets and hardware.
* I recommend soaking the hardware in Dawn and cleaning with an old toothbrush to restore them to a "new" look.

Follow the directions on the paint container for cleaning your newly painted surface.

Wow! Now your cabinets look great and it was well worth the effort!